Chan in Kangar...Perlis....OOi..the run is at Alor Setar...sesat keh?..

Plannig to drop by at the border..... after the run..!

checked in at Pau's Motel... Pekan Simpang Kuala, Alor Setar.... the day B4 the run...Not Bad..!!

Chan- using turbo towards the ends....followed by Mr.Kenny

A Pic wit the Organiser... Mr Chua N his friend

A snap wit Mr. Kenny N his friend..the Pacemakers.

The Medal...

Azhar,Chan N Fendy at Bernama Alor Setar,Kedah..office colleagues..

The Rep of Slow Movers at the Alor Setar Tower...

Fendy N Chan 2gether wit a parachutter....Menara Alor Setar

Chan in Thailand....cam mano dia terlepas ni.... Bahaya....!!!

Chan wit Metra (Utusan reporter)... at Gua Kelam

Chan wit the ultimate Photographer...

The Gua Kelam...Fascinating!!!!...the longest limestone cave in the world...
Fri,17th August 2007. Alor setar Kedah....
The Alor Setar Jogging Club (ASJC) held their 24th anuual run. N myself was the sole rep of the
Slow Movers as the others were jsut to busy...Took the Transnasional night bus staright to
Perlis ...reached there thursday morning..met my colleague,
Mr. Effendy...orang kuat Perlis...had my shower in Bernam Inn ..n off to Alor Setar ...Had diff to find the Reg place in Pengkalan Kedah ..got the bib n the vest ...found
Pau's Motel to hop in for the nite as it was the nearest to the startin point.... the ASJ club in taman Bee-Bee, Pekan Simpang Kuala.
Everythin is done..N ready for the run.. we head back to Kangar as fendy has some assignment...well he is the best Photographer in Town.......met a friend...
Mr.Metra , a reporter from Utusan... Had dinner with him..then hopp in at fendy's hse...collected his stuffs n back to Pau's Motel....called of the day..!..ZZzzzzzzz!!!!
6.00 am.. .. went down ...it was drizzlin..jogged to the startin point which was 500 m away from the motel... It was very the dark ....Black Out...sioot..! registered N did some warm ups...it was to like Internal affair as not many outside runners took part...at about 6.20 am.. wow..it's bright..tq Tnb..6.30 am.. 3..2..1 the race starts..Ran in a slower pace than usual as this in my 4th half marathon back to back n just don't wanna push to much...slow n steady..Basically the 21 km route was a straight flat road expect for the hilly
Tok Pasai Bridge at about km 11 in Kuala Kedah n it was a wet run ..as it was drizzlin all the way thru....Made a U turn after the bridge..n ran about 10 km more towards the end. Met the
Mr Kenny Tan of Pacemakers at about Km10... chit chat...while running. Nice talkin to u Mr Kenny... finsihed the run in 1:50:20 at the position of 17...wah berpadanan dgn tarikh ...! What else..collected the finisher medal N...minum Milolah...snapped some pics wit kenny, Mr Chua.. the Organiser...etc.. The best cameraman were there to snap the pics...Lepak 4 a while..back to Motel...!
Running is Fun...!Had shower...called
Mr Azhar, the colleague from Bernam Alor Setar... set a b/fast date with him...on the way to Jln stadium. dropped by at the Alor setar tower...manage to watch some Parachutters doing some stunts...jumpin from the tower..the were about 20 jumpers.. an event in conjuction with the 50th Merdeka Day. Met Mr Kassim, the Bernama photograper, the best in A.Setar..snapped some pic n staright to Bernama off... took Azhar for a makan at Kopitiam...had mee curry...aaah! sedapnyaaa! left
Kedah....balik ke Kangar...
In Kangar fetched Metra...n yeah ..to
Padang Besar..Had one of the best Tom Yam in perlis..Masuk Border....tak guna passport pun..kan fendy tu orangnya popular..just spent a few hours in
Thailand...did some shopin...Jaya kirim the latest MU jersey... but couldn't find any...belum sampai...lah..no stock lah...!!Keluar Border...fendy did his border pass at the imegresen.. then we went to the longest limestone cave in the World..the
Gua Kelam....wow...it was awesome..superb...beautiful...coolin...ain't got no words....just terpesona..Walk thru the cave while snappin pics..had a great time...!
kinda of tiring...Fendy left me Perlis Bernama Inn...as he had some guest from KL to entertain. Just lepak..watched a few movies in HBO...the Rocketman... the family Stone...Death tunnel...Had my Shower..n off i go to the the Bus Station. Took the 11.oo pm Eltabina Express..Kangar-Alor setar-KL...reached at 6.2o am..Sat morning....
Bye Perlis N Kedah..!!Special Thanks to Effendy, Metra, Azhar, Mr Kassim N Cik Asma for their hospitality.Thank You..It makes life nicer n sweeter with friends like this around..!!
Next run would be the
Nascomm Jogathon at Padang Timur PJ... C u N