Sun 19 Oct 2008, Padang Merbok...
The Third Wave run 4 the Slowmovers...but not the same...cos the route has been changed, the start was bad..too crowded..N i was still limping...but yet it was again just 4 the fun of it... We Slowmovers were back in a big group after a long time...waz very de nice !!!!
The race started at 7.3o am..should hv started it at 7.00.. It Honkeeeed !! all of the sudden. It was too crowded. Should hv started in groups or categories..The Route waz changed...no more double hills..no more excitement...Ran in a very slow pace wit a bit of limping...finished at 1204 in about 1: 07:xx ( not accurate loo). De shoe bag waz nice oso. Chit-chat wit all the frenz n Chao..had to go off early coz still workin ma...!!!
Next would B Penang Bridge Run.. Bye to all !!!
De Slowmoverz wishes ...Happy Deepavali to all Malaysians !!!
It's Thanithon time !!!