Date : Mac 27,2010
Venue : CyberJaya Komuniti Center
Time : 6.00 pm
De slowmoverz : De Family......
About de Run..
Depart from my hse at about 3.30pm...Bad day.... Lost balance of de bike and fell into the drain in front of the hse... Dad and mum came to rescue... no pains nor wounds any where....Met the rest at Bernama and left for Cyberjaya... parked the car about 2 km away(p7)..felt some kind of pain at the left side of my left knee .. bought some ice from the Rest'N nearby ..applied...hop in a shuttle bus...warmed up.................
6.06..pm.. flagged off...Slow pace..42 km to go...pain at the left knee...used more impact on right leg..Really a very slow run/jog due to the pain... Km 26.. stopped...starts to cramp....stretched... ran and walk till the end...Am I doing the right thing...am I going to end up in seriuos injury...shall I give up...but Will power was stronger...almost 3/4 of the distance covered ... hang on....slow n steady...u can do it... wanna listen to Mind or Heart...ah...what de hack....Just go for it....!!! finished in 5:14:xx ----What a feelin...It's Over at last....but left leg ...!!! Oh Boy.. what hv i done...
Next day...one part of the left knee swelled... due to the fall... went to the Doc... Ligament Injury..gave 2 days MC..asked to rest....and No runnin ...!!!..So just lepak aje..!!!
Congrats to all the Slowmoverz N de rest of the Marathoners....!!!
Next Run would be de CAR Family Run.... !!!.. Bye....!!!