Sun, 29th March, 2009,..Taman Melawati...
Drove in a new car.. JLL 717..5 of us...Apek de driver, Haieezan de co -pilot, Jaya,Hamid n Chan ..de passengers...reached tmn Melawati at 7:13am..Met rest of de Slowmoverz.
Race starts at 7.30 am after the Natioanl Anthem at jalan Bandar 11...Ran along the hilly Taman,Bukit Mas round- about..N made a u turn back. Javier came in first..followed by myself..finishing in 00:50:45...Oklah tu for a OKU...then Jaya, Fuzahir, Hasif, Izzat,Syafiq,Hamid,Auzan, Makcik Suraya , Kak Sumarni N Haieezan......Bravo to all..!!!. Javier finished 3rd in the Int Cat.Syabas Buddy!!! Abang was de official photographer for slowmoverz.....TQ Bro....!!!
Next would b de BHP Orange Run...... Bye..!!!