Date : Dec 20,2009
Venue : Bukit Kiara Equestrian, KL
Time ,: 7.00 am
De slowmoverz : Chan, Fuzahir...
About de Run...
A run which is not one of my best as I was just recovering from a treble Gastric...Unable to consume a lot of carbo the day b4...asyik nak muntah aje...Just wanted to run and finish as the
venue was close to my hse.
It starts at 7.00 am... ran 2 loops around Jln Beringin n back to Equiestrian... Pacesetters races are known for Hills....faham2 aje...Took about 1:04:xx to complete de 12.2 k distance....
Met Mr Fuzahir, Mr Kuna,Mr Kenny,Uncle Steven, Mr Calvin and many others...Hi again..!!!
Next would be de PM Network run... till then... Merry Christmas N Happy New Year 1 Malaysia... BYe...!!!