Fri 3th Oct 2008...Christmas Island..Australia..
It was named by Captain William Mynors when he sighted the island on Christmas Day of 1643 as the Royal Mary was heading home from the East Indies. However, records of 1615 by the master of the Thomas, Richard Rowe show it was sighted much earlier. Anchorage at the island proved difficult and it was only two centuries later before a survey of the island was undertaken by Captain Aldrich on the HMS Egeria. When rich phosphate was discovered, the British India Company placed the island under the authority of the Straits Settlement with Singapore as its base. A company was established to dredge the phosphate which consequently brought people to the uninhabited island by 1898. These included Chinese from China brought through Singapore, Malays from the Cocos cluster, Indians brought as indentured labour; and Caucasians, initially Englishmen and later Australians, who headed the company. A village and a shipping point was set up at Flying Fish Cove, and the residents developed a small railway to haul the phosphate.
On 31 March 1942, the Japanese invaded the island. The Europeans were imprisoned whilst the 1000 or so Malays and Chinese were rounded up from the jungles and made to work in the mines. However, by 1943 a lack of food supply lines led the Japanese to abandon mining and the miners were sent to prison camps in Indonesia.
After the war, the island's jurisdiction fell under the Colony of Singapore. However, by 1948, the mining business came under the Australian and New Zealand governments. Many from Singapore along with other labourers continued to move to the island to support the mining business. With Singapore's independence imminent, the British proposed that Christmas island be separated from Singapore's jurisdiction by 1957. With potential losses from phosphate earnings of up to 170,000 pounds a year, Singapore was offered 2.9 million pounds (S$20 million) compensation, negotiated up from 1.25 million pounds by her governor. The island was handed over to Australia on 6 June 1957, becoming a separate entity for some time between 31 December 1957 until the transfer was effected on 1 October 1958.
Today, with only 800 population the island has become a holiday resort, although mining of Phosphate still continues N We Malaysian were there to celebrate the 50th territory day.Dance shows N sports activities were held.My self and some hundreds of Malaysians were there to dance away with the 1/2 marathon...Finished de 21k walk n run in 3:07:20... A new place , A new experience with beautiful flora n fauna sceneries... very de Nice loo !!!!
Next would b de Borneo Marathon in KK...Byeeee!!!

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