24th Aug 2007... Seremban...
We will rock you...yeah.. that's wat the Slowmovers R 4.. redi to rock...the 21k and 11 k...the rockers were Hamid,Fuzahir,kak Sumarni, Abang ,Izzat and Makcik...while Hasif n Sheikh rocked the shape run in Lake Garden. Me no run again...tak tahu apa nak jadi ngan kaki ...it's gonna be the third week..time heals...went there as a acting oku coach...
Met a lot of running mates..The 21st half marathon was held par to the Yang dipertuan's 86th birthday...about 8500 runners took part in various cat..it was like a carvinal ...at sharp 10.00 am a birthday song was played to welcome the Yang di Pertuan ...followed by speeches, prize giving, lucky draws..n etc...
next would b the Pacemakers Track Meet...if my kaki is ..OK... BYE...De Slowmovers wishes all Malaysian ...Selamat Berpuasa N Selamat Hari Raya ....Maaf Zahir Batin.!!!