Ms Jean from Pj...Piano tutor.. one day travel mate...nice meetin u...

The Journey to S'pore ...Faizal kecewa...???....

Bib n vest collection.....

to the Hotel...

Slowmovers nite life... Orchard road...Merry Xmas...

In action....Rocki'n S'pore..

with Mr Oscar of Brazil... Hello sir...(left)

Running mates....

Su's Cousin Bro n the wife.. Selamat berjumpa N Thank You ...

to Batam.. Indonesia...

life in Batam..

Batam di waktu Soreh....(senja)..
Sun 2 Dec 2007, Fullerton Road...
Myself, Su N Faizal the photograper.... were all set to rock Singapore.. took the night train on friday night...boked the bunker....nak tidoleh...met Ms Jean..a piano tutor cum insurance...
The train moved sharp at 2200 hrs from KL Sentral...chit-chat n went to bed...woke up after a while looked at my watch ..it's 4.00 am....yeah.. we r half way..thru... What..!!! the train ain't movin...how long??.. where r we...?!! Seremban..!!!!!What happened...? Some of the coaches from a goods train derailed n we were stranded for about 6 hrs. Stopped at Woodlands for Imgresen check N reached Singapore at 2.00 pm. Met our colleague Mr.Agus..
Thank You very much...!!Straight off to Suntec City Convention Centre to collect the vest N Bibs...(
25393).. Had our lunch there...masakan Thai food...checked in at Harbour Ville at Kampung Bahru road..Bus 143 ..Lepak at Orchard road...the happenin street...!!back at 0030 hrs. Next morning ...hired a cab...head to fullerton road...the Full Marathon already been gunnnnned off...! 6:15 am... the half Marathon was gunned off....the wheather was fine n so do the organiser.. it was superbly organised...the water stations, toilets, distance markers, officals...it was nice to run but to crowded...so couldn't move easily....I ran in steady slow pace... just don't wanna push too hard...( long lasting knee prob)...finished at 299/5299 in 1:52:40.
http://www.singaporemarathon.com/en/results/..... http://www.runpix.biz/sin07/21/finord.php?LastName=25393&lan=&aset=0One more medal for the collection. Met Javier N the wife N Mr Oscar... 6 times Marathon finisher from Brazil...
Nice to meet u sir...Lost the other two teman... cari till about an hour... baru jumpa... wooi u guys pi mana ni...puas ku cari... made me do 30k redi..walkin for an hour...met our regular running mates from KL...Took a cab back to the Hotel..Checked out...Met Su's cousin n his wife..
Nice berjumpa dgn Abang N Kak N Thank You... Straight head to Harbour Front....Nak ke mana tu..? .. Nak berlibur.. kat.. Batam ...Boarded the Penguin 7 ferry to Sekupang, Batam which is about 45 mins... naik a cab to Nagoya city ...checked in at Standard Hotel. It has developed a lot from my last visit at 2001. lots shoppin Malls N hotels.. here n there. Don't ever miss the massage...!!! one of the best in SEA... Spent a day.. took the ferry from Batam Center...to Setualang ,JB...Back to Malaysia....
Bye Singapore N Indonesia...!!!