26th April '09.. Bidor, 35500 Perak...
4.37 am...Five of us...Myself, Haiezaan, Syafiq, Hasif N Fuzahir depart from KL...reached Bidor toll at 6.07..Change into runnin attire...nak lari marathon....!!!
yeap...prepared to take another challenge..De Bidor Half marathon...A nice course to run ..with a number of hills ...running along the oil palm and rubber estates.. de kampung orang asli..(Kg Chang Baru)and back to the small town..
De run starts at 7.00 am...unable to do much warm ups....just ran..suffered a lot...due to tiredness..lack of sleep...workin around de clock...had a hamstring cramp...managed to finish at 127 in 2:07:xx.... Fuzahir took about 2:11:xx to complete the Half. Hasif N Haieezan ran the 10k and Syafiq ran in the child's cat- 3.5 K. Everyone was given a very nice Finsher Medal base on qualifying time.
Chit-chat...Photo session...and took off to KL.. Hop in at Jambu stalls as Bidor is well known for it. Reached KL at 12.30 pm...BYe Bidor !!! Next would b de TTDI Relay Or Bomba Run....!!! Adios....