
Monday, November 24, 2008

Bukit Kiara Relay '08

23 Nov 2008, Bukit Kiara TTDI.....

Once again de 3R Circle organised the Malaysian spirit relay...Thanks to Julie N Co.. it was a hill relay..De slowmoverz N De Latino's...are happy to be a part of it...3 runners per team ...to complete a distance of 3.92 k each.
De slowmoverz were repped by Jaya,Fuzahir N Chan while De Latino's came up wit a rojak team repped by Abang Sharizal, Javier N Mr Steven...TQ sir !!!.. as 2 of the members didn't turn up...
It was a fun N a high tech run as for the first the chip system was implemented for a relay. We shd organised more such event as this is one the events where u can C de 'True Malaysian Spirit'....Bravo Malaysian....Thanks to the volunteers too...An event wouldn't be possible without u all...met a lot of mates..Very de nice happy enviroment... hope to c u all soon..BYE...!!!
next would be de KRI Ipoh run....Adios..!!!.

Results at:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Penang Bridge Marathon '08

De.. hero.....
Milo halia..made in Penang....yummmmmiii ..
De 25k Slowmoverz...
De Trio Sister's...
Ms Julie N Ms Haza wit the SM sisters...
De 10k slowmoverz ...Gettin ready.....
On de move...
Wit De American Couple...Mr N Mrs Russ Land
4 de album...

Nov 16, 2009, Queensbay..Penang..

De slowmoverz were in de island for de Bridge Marathon..
it's a 25 k run.. another run to add to the collection N it waz the de 2nd bridge run..How waz de run... Well...it's getting better...there was some inprovements after the injury...n i was asked not to push too much till the next check up...
De Organisers...will never learn..or...what's de prob actually...hundreds of runz bein held in our country..n tonnes of complaints from de runnerz..n yet...
We sheltered at B-suite hotel which was 2 km away from Queensbay.

It started at 4.30 am... after a hyper dragon dance..Ran in de slowest pace as still in de recovery period.. N no way i 'm gonna go fast..de pain is unbearable...finished in sub 3 hrs. Abang N Fairul did 42k... , Myself, Fuzahir, Makcik , Su N Kak.. ran de 25k,while Izzat, Jaya Haieezan N Hamid did de 10 k...
It was an easy run but just that most of runnerz were almost choked to dead...
no water loo..Had a very nice icy massage...n back to hotel.

Met Zulhilmi of Penang Bureau...Had lunch with him..went to de Chowrasta market..bought some Jeruk...sourvenirs.. n off we go...Bye Penang n Thank you Zul....Next would b de TTDI Relay... Bye folks...!!!