Date: 24th june 2007
event: jacob's walk of life
venue: taman tasik titiwangsa, kuala lumpur
time: 8.30 am
members: mama, ibu, alang, izzat and iylia, also kakfida. acik, hubby and hakeem also took part.
After more than a month of inactivity (since
pacesetters 15km on the 20th of May), the Slow Movers
were back in action today, but at two different
venues. suriati, jaya, fuzahir dan chan were in penang for the
penang bridge marathon, while the rest participated in
the jacob's walk of life at taman tasik titiwangsa.
Ibu, izzat, iylia and kak fida went early to find
parking space nearer to the venue, while me and mama
reached the venue about 6.50 am. nevertheless we
didn't face any problem parking mama's kancil.
Upon reaching the venue, we headed straight to the
registration booth to confirm our participation and
claim the T-shirts.
The organisers also had a makeshift changing room
for participants to change and wear the official
T-shirts. Bagus jugak, kalau tak, bimbang mama akan
repeat her misdemenour ketika asthma jogathon
(changing her T-shirt in public).
Anyway, after making a phone call to identify ibu's
location, we met at the main gathering point where the
organisers served milk and bicsuits for participants.
Biasala, kalau ada benda free, mesti kunjung lebih
daripada sekali. Izzat sampai berulang alik ke gerai
susu dan biskut. Siap offer nak ambil lagi susu for
me, but having had three cups already, i said to him
"if i drink one more cup, i'll be pissing milk."
Soon after several members from Fitness First went
up the stage to start the warm up session. Bukan main
lagu lagi senaman diaorang, dah le perut penuh dengan
susu, apa lagi 'milk shake' le jadinye.
Selesai warm up, we were asked to gather at the
starting line, but had to listen to speeches for about
10 minutes before the flag off.
About 7.30 am, we were flagged off. Iylia shot off
the block macam roket (memang semangat nak menang dia
kuat) whilst izzat and me were just the opposite,
relax aje. Ibu, mama and kak fida were somewhere in
Initially we thought we had to circle the taman
twice to cover five kilometers, tapi sebenarnya kena
keluar dari taman dan berjalan di kawasan perumahan
yang berdekatan sebelum masuk semula ke taman.
After walking for about an hour, me and izzat
reached the finishing line where we had to queue up to
get the goodiebag. Among its contents were two packets
of biscuits, two mineral water bottle and a health
As usual, lepas habis event, tibalah sesi bertemu
dan berborak dengan rakan sepermainan seperti uncle
steven, julie dan Margaret, dan selepas habis modal,
tibalah masa untuk pulang.
So until the next event for the Slow Movers, ie the
Siemens Run on the 8th of july, adios...
By Abang Shahrizal Sanusi