Sat, 18th Nov... kinda of cloudy...
It's Charity time... at Wangsa Maju.. The annual WM-SM Charity Run.....8.7 KM
Tak sure.. ada member2 Slow Movers..and Su...she brought the entire
family...It 's her family day kot... but Myself N jaya met none of them...only the makcik (kak Su) while
running... after the race we just went off cos myself was working on that day......N Jaya too had
something on...
NEW.....guess wat?.. we had a new member for the club...Mr Amin..the budak kecil..
we just saw him at the starting point...with his sleepy face...lepas..tu..entah mana dia pi... anyhow
he manage to finish the race.... Myself completed the race in about 43 min.....boleh improve lagi kot...
Never N Dun give up .....The Slow Movers will keep on tryin N tryin N tryin...
Merry X-Mas And Happy New Year ( 2007 )
Next marathon would be in early 2007...C U...
The Miracle isn't that I finished but is that I had the courage to start @ A Winner is not one who never fails but one who Never Quits!@ Strength does not come from physical capacity but comes from indomitable will!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Subang Jaya 10km
5th Nov 2006....Shiny Morning
The Slow Movers are back on the route after a long break...raya ma........ N now
it's for the Subang jaya 10 km run. Go..go..go...Sloooooow Mooooovers...
Most of the members were there ..Myself, Jaya, Su, Makcik, Abang Su N Rosatlee..
The route was better then the killler mizuno runner..not much of hills... but just couldn't
run well.. stopped twice.....raya too long kot! .....itulah.. lain kali..kalau makan free..
jgn makan cam ....sendiri mau ingatlah... Somehow manage to finish in about 55 min's
Next Run would be at Wanga two weeks time.... ADIOOOOOS!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Mizuno Wave Run

Sept 17, 2006... Padang Merbuk, KL
The Slow Movers are here again to add their T-shirt collections.....N... number of Runs...hehehhee
7 of the members turn out for the 10 km run. It began tajam at 7.30 pm,,..Oops..It's 7.29.55....
5..4..3..2..1........there we go ...
It was really a very easy N fun run.....wanna know Y?....hhheehe ..All the way.... Bukit siot....(Bukit Tunku Area).. tapi.. none of us gave up...All the Slow Movers completed the race (Larian Bukit). The champ was from Kenya and I would have beaten him if only he could keep up to my pace... what a waste...
Better luck next time...heeeeee
Members unofficial timing of the 2nd Mizuno Wave Run 2006:
Jaya - 1:00.14
Myself - 1:01:00
Rostaley - 1:09:00
Su's Bro - 1:30:00
Su - 1:35:00
Makcik - 1:45:00
Syikin - about 2:00:00
The Slow Movers will be going for a long break (1.5 months) due to
Puasa ,Hari Raya n Deepavali.
Next we will be at Subang Jaya.....C U..
Join the " Slow Movers" for F.O.C .... your Path to Better Health.....
Monday, September 11, 2006
The Walking Shoe

One of the solution to my knee problems is that to use a comfortable walking shoe...(nasihat pakar dan kekawan)... so as usual i started my hunt...goin up and down sport shoes, undecided,confuse...etc..
finally Abang Ed came to the rescue,...he was wearing a reebok walking shoe and told me how comfort was it ..N i tried it out.....Opps......I felt like the greatest "Kayu Ara Hero" ( believe it or not I am walking on air.......") Price doesn't matters...but size does! I bought the REEBOK DMX-MAX for RM 271.00 after a 20% discount using Shake's HSBC credit card from the Sport Station Mid Valley....Will it help to reduce my knee prob....???
Putrajaya International Marathon

10 Sept 2006, Putrajaya...
The Slow Mover are doin Marathon's now...Wooow!...
wat....marathon....42 km...??????????....u must be kiddin..
Opps...hhhheeee it's only 1/6 of it....7km....The race started at 7.45 pm...ran around PICC and finished at the Palace of Justice. Myself did it in 37 min. Guess wat...??.....
All of us received Medals--- Myself for position 108, Su -123 N Lee -240... .
Next we will be heading back to KL city for the Mizuno Run..(10Km)
Merdeka Run
27 aug 2006, Dataran Merdeka,KL
We the Slow Movers, as the nation of Malaysia showed our patriotism by taking part in the
4.5 km Merdeka Run. It was a wet and fun run. It was rainning all day long but it wasn't an
obstacle at all for us (Jaya N myself)... as nothin can stop the SM.
The Run started at Dataran Merdeka...we ran along Jln Raja Laut...made a U turn ...into Jln TAR and finsihed back at D.Merdeka. We ran for about 22 ++ min's. Went back to the office straight way as i was still working..hahhahahahhahahahaha....!
" MERDEKA ! MERDEKA ! MERDEKA!" yang ke 49.......
Next route...will be the Putrajaya International Marathon....(world class babe...cayalah)
We the Slow Movers, as the nation of Malaysia showed our patriotism by taking part in the
4.5 km Merdeka Run. It was a wet and fun run. It was rainning all day long but it wasn't an
obstacle at all for us (Jaya N myself)... as nothin can stop the SM.
The Run started at Dataran Merdeka...we ran along Jln Raja Laut...made a U turn ...into Jln TAR and finsihed back at D.Merdeka. We ran for about 22 ++ min's. Went back to the office straight way as i was still working..hahhahahahhahahahaha....!
" MERDEKA ! MERDEKA ! MERDEKA!" yang ke 49.......
Next route...will be the Putrajaya International Marathon....(world class babe...cayalah)
MPAJ run -10km

13 aug 2006, Ampang Jaya..
After the elderly run, the Slow Movers are back with Youths, took part
in the MPAJ run -10000 M babe....powernyyyyyyyya.
-manage to finish the race in about 58 min. it was hot like......of course not like the PCD.
The knee pain was still there...when will it go off....????...must really work on it...
SM's timing
- Jaya - 57 min
- Rostalee - 1 hr 10 min
- Su - 1 hr 20 min
-Kakak SU..finishes the 7 km run (Veteran) in 70 min.
Got a medal for the position of 41....Thaniah..Mak cik.. keep it up.
Sorry Makcik..gambar blur... (ada orang dengki kot)..faham2 aje..lah....hehehhe
Comin up Next ..the Merdeka Run...... Inilah barisan kitaaa......The Slow Movers...menuju ke arah...???
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Nacscom Charity Jogathon 2006

30 July 2006, Bukit Aman...
It’s 6.30am, I'm standing at the parking lot and I can’t see anybody I know yet. Almost 7.00am now, I need to register. Aaaaa… There’s Chan and Jaya sitting at the roadside. Chan’s brother and cousins went to register. Did some warm-up (walking around the area). Almost 7.30am now. I made a conversation with a person from C category. Nice guy (charming actually), I think he’s mixed, mat saleh. He’s been running for 10 years. Can you believe that he’s actually on his 10km daily morning run, when he stumbled into this competition? He just registered.
Around 7.35 the organizer blast the gun. I’m taking it slow today, cause I’ve been sick for the past two weeks. Haven’t done any good exercise lately. That does not include some stuff I’m having in my mind right now.
I thought it's gonna be a smooth run until I came across this steep hill. OMG, I feel like crawling. But hey, I managed to reach the top.
I can say I ran quite well today. Brought my drink along while running, very good thing to do. I don’t feel dehydrated. Managed to finish at no 19. Time… 30 minutes or so for 5km. Took one picture and I’m not in it. Hmm….. I’m sure my mind is not here right now.
Chan told me that my friend (the C guy) won 4th place. I can’t believe it. But he left before I arrived. He told Chan he wanted to give me his medal (why can’t he wait for a few minutes, dumbass). Well, I hope to see him again ….. somewhere …. soon.
Well, here’s the timing and numbering for people who were in the competition.
Women 18 and above
Thanes - 28 minutes - 16
Suriati - 30 minutes - 19
Men 18 and above
Jaya - 19' 51.87" - 20
Edmond - 20' 11"- 21
Chan - 23 minutes
Nagur - NA
Muru - NA
Thanes - 28 minutes - 16
Suriati - 30 minutes - 19
Men 18 and above
Jaya - 19' 51.87" - 20
Edmond - 20' 11"- 21
Chan - 23 minutes
Nagur - NA
Muru - NA
Next, Larian MPAJ. 10 kms babe.... mampoi la....
Suriati Sanusi
Friday, August 04, 2006
Pussy Cat Dolls

July 26 2006, Sunway...
Slow movers took a break...not at the track ...of course....but
it was at the Sunway sufr beach.....PCD WAZ here...WOOOOW..bestnyeer....
We really had a loooots of fuuuun...had a good time...while in sober....somethin
new... Plan to makan supper kat Uptown...I reached first as i was riding...."high"!!
waited for about 1/2 hr...the phone rang ....."Machan..tak jadilah..semua dah berambus"..
Guess 's Yazid the.....@@@@. Went back...and zzzzzzzzzz!
$$$ anyway this is to all the girls out there ..age :18 < G < 30....."Don't u wish ur boy fren was HOT like me......Don't U"....????
Hope Run

22 July 2006, Dataran Merdeka...
Hey....the slow movers..are back on the track again. Only three of us turned up for the race of 7 km . The rest ....mungkin no hope kot.... Edmond was the best ...manage to finish at the 26th position (35 min) with a MEDAL in the Veteran (uncles catergory). Myself (40 min) and Zai (an hour) ..juga dapat something...Cert babe......good sportmanship...!
NEXT ....on the track ...NASCOM..( charity run for Uncles & Aunties) .....
Friday, July 14, 2006
knee guard
13/7/06 - Thursday.. I took another step to protect my wooden leg... went to KLCC with the same celebrity and a fat cute friend of mine...nak beli knee guard konon...spend about half and hour...tapi couldn't get the proper size for my sexy hairy wooden just drop the idea and grab somethin for lunch at the food court. Myself and faizal had charboiled chicken while suriati ate fish and fillet..(malaysian mat sallehs of the day).when will I get my knee/ankle guard...? only the Ara boy knows.......
On the way back , we saw a G ..S... lady and had a tough time while in the car with the fat cutie's F...... imaginations...yang melampau-lampau...faham-faham ajelah.... tengah cari bini kedua....
On the way back , we saw a G ..S... lady and had a tough time while in the car with the fat cutie's F...... imaginations...yang melampau-lampau...faham-faham ajelah.... tengah cari bini kedua....
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The Marathon Shoe

hai folks...finally..after all the ...... i got my new MARATHON shoe...All though it was Dear,but bolehlah...nak jaga kaki bangku ku ni...
Escorted by a celebrity and a foe to the shop in Pertama Complex ..took me about an hour to choose the Pro-Spec ROAD - LIGHT1...kasutnya ringan sioooooooot...100 g BESTnya...!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
PJ Half Marathon

Finally we manage to get rid of ....the MARATHON fever..which was haunting the Slow Movers for the past few months. I manage to complete the race in an hour....Ok lah tu! This Run was one of the event to mark PJ's declaration as a CITY on the 20.06.2006. Kayu Ara pun termasuk..Well I am city boy now...dun play -play!
Next the SLOW MOVERS will be heading to the 7000m Hope Run at Dataran Merdeka on the 22.07.06. Jaaaaaauhkan?... Can't wait for it.....hoping to get some hope out of it......!
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